Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tá mé tuirseach orm ar taighde!

Tá mé ag scríobh go leor le déanaí. Tá mé tuirseach ormsa faoi deireanach. Cuardaim faoi ábhar Ceilteach leis naisc Búdaíoch.

Ar ndóigh, níl ceangail móran idir na dhá aíteannaí go díreach. Ar scor ar bith, tá mé ag lorg chucu. Níl obair shaoráideach! Tá mé ag tógáil aiste acadúil anois.

Feicim leabhair agus scéaltaí. Léanaim faoi seandálaiocht agus dealbhaí, draoithe agus Seioghe, an stair na Éirinn agus miotas na hInd. D'fhoglaim faoi triu giorriachaí agus coire airgid. Déanaim saothar taighde ar mo bhaile. Ach chuaigh mé ar an leabharlann ag fáil inneal na mhiocrascannán inniu.

Cén fáth? Bhí dith orm a feiceáil an sean-alt ansiud. Ní raibh úsaid orm an gléas sin scór blianta ó shin i leith. Fhiafraigh mé an cabhair a déanamh sé ó dhá leabharleannaí ansin. Ní raibh mé ábalta a breith air an lionsa méadaithe go ceart. Bhí dúshlán ag deisiú an meisin seo leis an leabharleannaí fosta!

Rinne mé cóip de eolas na h-alt leis notaí agamsa níos mall. Bhí cuimhne liom nuair ag fhreastail ollscoile fadó riamh. Bhí an peann ina láimh agam aríst.

D'fhan an uair go leith istigh an urlár faoi thalamh. Líon mé bileog páipéar agam ar an dá taobh go iomhlán. D'athraigh mé tuarisc scríbhneora a dhéanamh den an chiall a bhainimse as an scéal casta go haireach.

Inseoidh mé agaibh níos mo go luath. Cad a thiocfaidh as uile? Gheobhaidh mé leis an aimsir.

Research tires me out!

I have been writing a lot lately. There's weariness on me recently. I search about Celtic material with Buddhist connections.

Naturally, there's not many ties between the two places directly. However, I'm seeking them out. It's not an easy task! I'm building an academic essay now.

I look into books and stories. I read about archeology and icons, druids and Joyce, the history of Ireland and myth of India. I learned about three hares and a cauldron of silver. I do most research work at my home. But, I went to the library to get to a microfilm machine yesterday.

Why? There was a need for me to see an old article over there. I had not used that instrument myself since twenty years ago. I asked the help to do it from two librarians there. I was not able to put up the magnifying lens correctly. There was a struggle to arrange this machine with the librarian also!

I made a copy of the information from the article with notes of mine, very slowly. There came to mind when I was attending university way back. My pen was in my hand again.

I stayed an hour and a half inside the floor underground. I filled my sheet of paper on both sides completely. I changed the opinions of the writer into making sense of them in my own intricate tale, carefully.

I will tell you more soon. What will come of it all? I will find out in time.

Illustration/ íomhá:"Scríbhneoir an h-aiste/ Essay writer"


Tony Bailie said...

John I am looking forward to reading this essay when it is written. An seachtain seo caite cheannaigh mé Dialann Anama le Garbiel Rosenstock ag an Chultúrlann i mBéal Feirste. Bím ag leigh é gach oíche, cinte le mo foclóir Gaelilge i mo lambh.
I also already have Bliain an Bhandé and Rosenstock’s Rogha Dánta – both in bilingual editions. He seems to have charted similar territory to you, although at an experiential level rather than an academic one... although ofcourse from previous entries I understand that your engagement with eastern mysticism is empirical rather than purely academic.

John L. Murphy / "Fionnchú" said...

Antoine, d'fhoghlaim mé le déanaí inniu faoi an alt le Ben Howard, "Why Did the Buddhadharma Come to Ireland? Buddhist Themes in Recent Irish Poetry" ó an iris "An Sionnach" 1.2 (2005). Nílim ábalta ag fáil an cóip seo ó leabharlann áitúil ar chor ar bith, ach bím ag lorg anois air ar fud na háite. B'fhéidir, an bhfaighidh tusa an aiste sin ar an ghréasán ar nuachtan? Ní dhearna mé anseo.

Inseoidh mé ortsa má go bhfaightear sé! Go raibh maith agat aríst. Scríobhfaidh mé agat níos mo faoi an ábhar seo go luath...

Tony Bailie said...

I had a quick trawl through my bookshelves and turned up An Sionnach 3.1. Not sure where or when I picked it up... anyway I'll keep an eye out. Queens bookshop tends to have various journals lying around so I'll try to get a run in the next few days.