Tarraingíonn Siff mise chuig scéal anuas ag baint le hábhar. Bhain mé tairbhemhór as an leabhar seo. Míníonn sé meon nuair luighear isteach le meanna an intinne na hipneogogrech.
Mar sin, tosaithar ag sleamhnú isteach síocháin. Tá daoine ag ligean a mhaidhí le sruth. Imíonn sé go socair ó taobh istigh.
Mar sin féin, níl sé ag dul a chodladh. Is cosúil le codhladh, go cinnte. Ach is beag buí óna cheile iad.
Tá ábalta foghlaim an difríocht seo bheith ann go an meon ag éirí go mothú meabhair ann. B'fhéidir, gheobhaidh tú léargas a fháil ar ciúnas istigh tusa féin. Titfear i néal smaoineamh, ach nár thithe ag dul i dtámh nó támhnéal hipneoiseach. Cuireann san cruth eile ar fad ar an scéal inmhéanach.
From inside.
I read an interesting article the other day. I thought about an account concerning "unlearning meditation" by Jason Siff. I wrote a review of his book recently.
Siff takes on a story relevant to myself about delving into this material. I took a lot of usefulness out of this book. He explains the state of mind when one enters into the mental state of hypnogogics.
That is, one begins slipping into peace. A person's letting himself drift downstream. He goes away contently from within.
All the same, he doesn't go to sleep. It resembles sleep, sure. But there's a small difference between them.
You're able to learn with this difference that it's the state rising to being conscious by recollecting. Perhaps, you may find insight to get by tranquility within yourself. Somebody will fall into a contemplative trance, but he may not go into a hypnotic slumber. That makes all the difference as far as this interior tale.
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