Beidh guthán nua uaim den chéad uair. Cheannaigh mo bhean ceann acu sisean féin ar tseachtaine seo caite. Ar dtús, cheap mé go raibh ag fáil a teileafón siúil athdhiolta uirthi. Tá Sméar Dhubh rua aici ó arú anuraidh ar a laghad ann. Mar sin, tá dhá bliain ar a bheag aige.
Go tobann, fuair mo h-iPod bás le hadhairt. Nílim ábalta deisiú an innealín dílis. Mar sin féin, bhí cúig bliana d'aois.
Chríochnaigh sé leis dealbh ar aghaidh brónach. Tá deireadh lena bhuaireamh ar fad anois. Shíolthlaigh sé go suaimhneach san oíche.
De thoradh ábhar sin, tá mé ag feabhsú ó chomlacht teileafóin. Ar ndóigh, ba mhaith liom ceoltoireachteoir leis mo fhón poca. Agus cheana, caithim nasc leis mo h-obair ar an ghréasán go rialta nuair go mbeadh mé ag dul ar an bóthar. Beidh muid fadhb a fhuascailt teineiúil seo go luath.
Tá cruacheist agam: níl Sméar Dhubh a seinm ann. Dá bhrí sin, d'inis mo bhean orm go raibh ag fáil fón nua agamsa ar dí chuma féin. Ach, an mbeidh dath difriul air? Is docha, beidh sé dubh fós ann!
Dead iPod; Fresh Phone.
I will need a new phone for the first time. My wife bought one of them herself last week. At first, I thought I'd get a mobile telephone secondhand from her. There's her red BlackBerry from the year before last at least. Therefore, it's two years old at least.
Suddenly, my iPod found a natural death. I'm not able to repair the little loyal machine. All the same, it was five years old.
It ended with a sad icon on its face. All its troubles are over now. It passed away quietly in the night.
As a result of this matter, I am upgrading from the phone company. Of course, I'd like a music-player with my pocket phone. Furthermore, I must have a link with my work to the web regularly when I might be on the road. We will resolve this technical difficulty soon.
There's a tough question for me: BlackBerry's not playing music. Therefore, my wife told me to get a new phone for myself the same as hers. But, will it be a different color? Most likely, it'll be black too!
Just curious but have you attempted to fix it at all? I had an iPod like this that died on me as well and I tried one thing that sounds a bit extreme but I figured I had nothing to lose. If the hard drive in it sounds like its clicking when you first turn it on, some people suggest dropping it from a moderate height of about a foot or so. From the reading I've done its a fairly widespread problem and many users report that its been fixed by doing the same.
Additionally, you may be able to try something like this:
no sense tossing it out if it could still work! Just my two cents but I like tinkering with gadgets.
Hope one of these solutions work for you!
Anon, I tried! I saw a site with a legal pad-drawn circle "drop iPod here" that gave similar advice; I scoured online sources but they seemed to offer only eulogies. But, as with other funeral ceremonies, we harbor hope for resurrection. Thanks for the inspiring condolences.
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