Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Go Dakota Thuas ar ais

Beidh mé i nDakota Thuas aríst go luath. Chuir mé cuairt mo priomh-turas an bhlian seo caite. Bhí sé ina Deireadh Fomhair, fós.

Cén fath? Tá mé ag dul go Dakota Thuas a thabhairt ar an caint. Tá sé faoi an clár "Clann na h-Aonrial" agus téamaí Éireannachaí air.

Measaim go beidh mé an h-am taitneamhach ansuid. Bhí maith liom ag feacháint an Chnoc Rushmore, Te Spriongaí, na buabhaill ina bPairc Stáit na Custer, Adhman Marbh, na Tailte Dona, agus na Cnoic Dubh an h-uair deireanach, mar shampla. Ach, ní maith liom a fhilleadh go an Síopa Drogaí na Bhallaí.

Chuala mé go raibh dhá teach tabhairne ansin. Tá áit amháin an ainmithe Ui Néill. Is é eile an dara ainmithe Ui Murchú in aice leis.

Mar sin, tá fhios agam a beidh mé ag dul go dtí i gCathair Tapa. Tá súil agam go raibh an leann dubh ceart ann.  Tá mé ag do is fearr, ní i gcónaí na hAonghusa.

Back to South Dakota.

I will be in South Dakota again soon. I paid my first visit there the past year. It was in October, too.

Why? I am going to South Dakota to give a talk. It is on the program "Sons of Anarchy" and its Irish themes.

I reckon it will be a pleasant time up there. I liked seeing Mount Rushmore, Hot Springs, the buffalo in Custer State Park, Deadwood, the Badlands, and the Black Hills last year, for example. But, I do not want to return to Wall's Drug Store.

I heard that there are two pubs there. The first is called O'Neill's. The second is called Murphy's nearby.

Therefore, I know where I am going when I go to Rapid City. I hope that there is the right stout there. I look for the best, not always Guinness. (Photo/Ghriangraf)

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