Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ag éisteacht go leabhair an tsamraidh seo

Tá mé ag éisteacht le téipeannaí faoi deireanach go h-obair agus ar ais ann. Bím ag fáil éisteo-leabhair an tsamraidh seo. Thosaigh mé nuair ag tiomáint ar thuas ar feadh mhí Mheitheamh deireadh. 
Chuala muid "Lolita" ag léamh os ard le Jeremy Irons ansin. Ar ndoigh, is maith linn go leor. Mar sin, chríochnaigh mo bhean a tí é ar dtus in a gluastain; leanaigh mé leis an téip ina dhiadh i mo gluastain. 

Chuaigh mé ar an leabharlann ag fáil trí éisteo-leabhair eile. Chruinnigh mé "Teacht chun beith dea-eolach" le an Dalai Lama (ag ráite le Seofraigh Hopkins) i dtosach. Rug mé ar "Intinn na tSen, Intinn na h-Údar" le Shunyru Suzuki (ag ráite le Peadar Coyote) ar leanas. Fuair mé  "An Sliabh Seacht Ilúlar" le Tomas Merton (ag ráite le Sidney Lanier) ansin. Rinne siad trían ag cur le cheile. 

Tá mé ag tosaithe "Cinmhíol an Chuilb Mar Óganach" a chum Seosamh Seoighe ag léithe le Jim Norton. Ach, níl ábalta mé dúnadh é fós. D'fhoghlaim mé faoi "An Foirgneamh na Cosmas" le Brian Greene: fuair mé seo a iosacht ó leabharlann an mhi seo caite.

Mar sin, bím ag cloisteáil seo anois, chomh inste de ghuth ard le Michéal Pritchard. Tá sé an-fhada ann, go cinnte. Measaim go mbeadh chomh fada le "Ulysses" nach beag. Gan amhras, fágfaidh mé é is mo faoi dlí an nádúir agus an iontais na cruinne go luath. 

Listening to books this summer

I'm listening to tapes lately to and from work. I'm getting audio-books this summer. I started when driving up north during the end of last June.

We heard "Lolita" read aloud by Jeremy Irons then. Of course, we liked it a lot. Therefore, my wife finished it first in her car; I followed with the tape afterwards in my car.

I went to the library to get three other audio-books. I gathered "Becoming Enlightened" by the Dalai Lama (spoken by Jeffrey Hopkins) to start. I grabbed "Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind" (spoken by Peter Coyote) by Shunryu Suzuki next. I got "The Seven Storey Mountain" by Thomas Merton (spoken by Sidney Lanier) then. They made a good trio together.

I am starting "A Portrait of the Artist as Young Man" by James Joyce read by Jim Norton. But, I'm not able to finish it yet. I learned about "The Fabric of the Cosmos" by Brian Greene; I checked this out from the library last month. 

Therefore, I'm hearing this now, as told aloud by Michael Pritchard. It's very long, certainly. I reckon it may be as long as "Ulysses," nearly. Without a doubt, I'll be leaving it with more about the laws of nature and the wonders of the universe soon. 

(Grianghraf/"Stock Photo: Concept image of a young girl listening to an audiobook isolated against a white background.")

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