Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Céili bhean chéile

Bhí céili areir ag bhaile againn. Iarr mo bhean chéile a ceiliúradh leis ár cairde go raibh aithainta triu na bliainta. Tháinig scor duine ar laghad anseo. Scair roinn aithne a chur gach eile ó Halla Phóbal na nGiúdach in aice leis Coill Chuilleann.

Tá se an-dheacair orm ag cumaisc leis duine go leor ann. Is dearbh liom ní raibh go furasta ag rá leis cainte coitanta i bhfad. Ar scor ar bith, iarraim fós!

Rinne mé féin ag dul i measc na ndaoine. Ar ndóigh, aithain mé gach duine ansin. Mar sin féin, mhoth mé go scinnideach. Go minic, bhreithaigh mé ar gclog. Chuaigh gach uair is mall orm i gcuid huair.

Is docha, fuair mé cabhair leis craic de reir faoi litriocht agus ag muintir. D'inis mé chuig ollamh faoi Shakespeare. Dúirt mé leis mo chara Risteard faoi Dochtuir Sam Johnson agus a seanbhaile ar lár Londan. D'fhoglaim mé faoi ag ól seagal-- le clóstracht!

Go follosach, bhí grásta sábháil ormsa féin. Mar sin, bhí mé go sábháilte go fanacht ar bhaile mise féin. Tá cúthail ormsa, ach tuigim go raibh leis gné go nádúrtha!

My wife's party (untranslatable wordplay: wife="woman together," similar sounds to "party" and "celebrate")

There was a party last night at home. My wife wanted to celebrate with our friends who were known through the years. A score of folks at least came here. There was a shared acquaintance with everybody from the Jewish Community Center near Hollywood.

It's very difficult for me to mingle with many people. I feel it's certain that it's not easy speaking everyday chat for long. However, I still try!

I made myself to go mix with people. Indeed, I knew every person there. All the same, I felt nervous. Often, I looked at a clock. Every hour went slowly for me sometimes.

It's likely, I found help with conversation that was related about literature and teaching. I told about Shakespeare to a professor. I spoke with my friend Richard about Dr. Sam Johnson and his old house in London's center. I learned about drinking rye-- by hearsay!

Obviously, there was a saving grace for myself. Therefore, I was rescued by staying at my own home. I'm shy, but I understand that it may be within my own natural element.

Caption/ Fotheideal: Not our party! Níl céili againnsa féin ann! "Guests mingled, ate, drank." St. Columba's AOH (Ancient Order of Hibernians). Alan Geoghegan. 8th Annual St. Patrick's Céili. March 24, 2007. Columbia, South Carolina.

1 comment:

Layne said...

This is a rephrasing of my original comment which was censored. My beloved was cheerful at the prospect of a large gathering in our home and the preparation for the event caused no dissention at all. He had such a wonderful time. He was a gracious and generous host and has pleaded with me to schedule another gathering with a larger guest list as soon as possible.