Is iontach orm. An bhfaigheadh mé ábhar go saor ar an ghreasan a cloisteáil Gaeilge ar mo h-IPhod? Ní íarraionn mé a íoc chun chinn chuig cleachtannaí níos fusa. Iarraidh mir Breatnais go luath triu podchraoltaí as teangachaí Ceilteach freisin.
Deir Foras na Gaeilge:
An Líonra Sóisialta: Craoltar an clár laethúil seo ar 7 stáisiún raidio in Éirinn agus ar fud an domhain, mar phodchraoladh (podcast) ón suíomh AnLionra.Com. Is HOST [óstach!] Conn Ó Muineacháin é.P.S.: Labhairt sé as Gaeilge leis blas go hiontach aigesan féin ann!
Sonraí Teagmhála: Seoladh: ar an raidio, ar an idirlíon, thart timpeall ort, i do phóca! An Líonra Sóisealta
Tá sé bun-focail agus frasai furasta níos mo anseo: "Noimead Aon Gaeilge". Tá deich cleachtaí ann. Má bhéifea foghlaimeoir níos liofa, go dté tú go agallaimh agus cainte as Gaeilge le Séamas Ó Nuachtain. Tá sé i gcónaí ina h-Inis Fada, Nua Eabhrac. Cumann Carad na Gaeilge.
D'inis tú ariamh faoi Gaeilge na Seachtaine. Is banóstach é Kay Uí Chinnéide. Tá tíosach go fial fosta. Is maith liom ag eisteacht le a scéaltaí faoi aicesan féin.
Go críochnúil, is maith liom is mo Gíota Beag le BBC-NI. Rug mé ormsa féin blás beagán ó Thuaidh triu ag cloisteáil leis Fearghal Mag Uiginn ariamh ag dul go Oideas Gael arú anuraidh. Molaim go cuireadh cuairt agatsa féin an suíomh seo ar an idirlíon go minic.
Ní raibh mé ábalta fáil podchraoltaí éagsúlaí a cabhar mac foghlama Breatnaise. Ceapaim go mbheifi{?} go cruthaigh chomh mac leinn níos fearr leis ábhar níos flúirseach ar fad i mball ó Bhreatain Bheag le hais Gaeilge in Éirinn! Níor fuair mé chuig ionad nua-fhoglameoir fásta ar an BBC-Wales leis podchraolta.
Mar shampla, tá "Catchphrase" (leagan 2000) leis "na Lloyds" go brea. Níl slí a casadh clár craobhailte as comhad na h-iPod ann. Tá podchraoltaí amháin go bhfuil ar an leibheal níos ard chun chinn ag foghlaim Breatnaise: Pigion. Go cinnte, measaim go mbeadh seo níos hoíriúnach orm: Foghlaim Breatnais Podcraolta.
An mbíonn spéis i teangacha in hachan duine go hionduil? Tá Gaelgoirí beagán anseo: Podchraoltaí as Gaeilge. Tá nascannaí Gaelach eile na hAlbanach agus Éire a leithead anseo: Foghlaim Gaeilge ar an Idirlíon. Feicfidh tú eolas faoi teangacha eile ar an idirlíon anseo: Podcasting for Foreign- Language Education.
Learning with podcasts in Irish (& a wee Welsh).
I got a pamphlet from Oideas Gael in the mail today. I would like to return to Glencolmcille over there again during the next summer, but there is not money for me now to be going to Donegal. All the same, there is a need for me to build my fluency.
I wonder. Would I find material free on the web to hear Irish on my iPod? I do not wish to pay regarding easier lessons. I would seek also a bit of Welsh soon through podcasts of Celtic languages.
Foras na Gaeilge says:
"The Social Network: This weekly program's broadcast on 7 radio stations in Ireland throughout the land, through podcast from the site AnLionra.com. Conn Ó Muineacháin's the host.P. S. He speaks Irish with a wonderful tone himself there!
Communication Details: Sent: on the radio, on the internet, all around you, in your pocket!" "An Líonra Sóisealta"
There's more basic vocabulary and easy phrases here: href="http://coffeebreakspanish.typepad.com/oneminutelanguages/one_minute_irish/index.html">"One Minute Irish". Ten lessons are there. If you would be a more fluent learner, you may go to interviews and talk in Irish at the Philo-Celtic Society, by Séamas Ó Nuachtain. He is living on Long Island, New York.
I told you before about Irish of the Week. Kay Uí Chinnéide's the hostess. She's hospitable too! I like to listen to her stories about herself.
Ultimately, I like most "A Wee Bit" from BBC-NI. I myself caught a slight accent from the North through listening to Fearghal Mag Uiginn before going to Oideas Gael the year before last. I recommend that you pay a visit yourself to this site on the net often.
I was not able to find varied podcasts to help a learner of Welsh. I think, however, that one might be better served as a student with far more abundant material from Wales elsewhere as compared to Irish in Ireland. I did not find a location for a new adult learner on BBC-Wales with a podcast.
For instance, there's a fine "Catchphrase" (version 2000) with "The Lloyds." But, there's no way to turn that program broadcast into an iPod file. There are only podcasts that are at the level for a higher learning of Welsh: Pigion. Finally, I estimate this may be for me a more suitable start: Learn Welsh Podcast.
Is there usually an interest in languages in every person? Here's a few Irish people: Podcasts in Irish. There are other such Gaelic links from Scotland and Ireland here: Foghlaim Gaeilge ar an Idirlíon. You will see information about other languages on the Internet here: Podcasting for Foreign- Language Education
Griangraf/ Photo: Lynette Fay, banóstach Blais/ host(ess) of Blas: BBC Raidió Uladh/Radio Ulster.
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