Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Na Hiomalaethaí vs. Sliabh Olimpeas

Taispeánaim triu ghrianghrafaí leis An Droichead Gheata Órga os cionn. Inné, cuireadh in aghaidh "Olimpeacha gCinedhíothú," ina gcathair Naomh Proinsias. Dhreapaigh agóidí anseo a dhéanamh i dtaobh mórshiúl na trilseán mór. Is solas tóirse na cluichí Olimpeacha. Tá rialta Shíneach ag maoímh go mbeadh gniomh neamhpholaitúil air; mar sin féin, thosaigh Hitler i 1936 an chéad rás sealaíochta leis go an-comhartha na lasaim solas. Tiocfaidh seisean ar an lár sin Dé Céadaoin.

An maidín seo, léamh mé ar "Na Amanna na Aingeal" nuacht shluachorrailaí a thabhairt amach ó thuaidh i gCalifoirnea. Nílim sásta futhú. Bhí gearánái gafa. Tá seachtar ar a laghad faoí ghlas anois. Cén fáth?

Bhriseadh clamhsánaí na reachtaí. Dúirt na gardaí go bhfuil réabóir dlí. Fhoghail siad treaspás a dhéanamh ar dhúiche rialtais. Tá fhíos agam go raibh seo go fírinneach. Afach, ceapaim go mbeadh is mo níor bearfaidh muidsean agus gafa i bpríosún orthusan. Is duine níos dána. Creideann siad faoí ceartais go ceart ar an duine Thíbead.

Bheith ar nós cuma na cumlachtaí go mór faoí an marbh chultúr Thíbeadeach seo. Ní eisteann An Teach Bhán leosan ar chor ar bith. Níor chuala taoiseachái Méiréacannach leosan. Is docha é. Iarraidh siad airgead Shíneach amháin. An caillfeadh Tibéad seisean? Is cuma le ceannaire chapitlí leoga.

Caithfeadh muidse féin ní mbeidh ag dhéanamh níos laidír iarraidh a ceannach ábhar Shíneach. Cuireann san cruth eile ar fad ar an scéal. Ní dhearna dearmad. Arís, ná baineadh dearmad ar bith díot faoí an focal sin go breá as stáir na Eírinn: "boycott."

The Himalayas vs. Mt. Olympus

I show three photos with the Golden Gate Bridge above. Yesterday, there were protests against the "Genocide Olympics," in the city of San Francisco. Demonstrators climbed up there to opposed the march of the grand torch. It's the flame of the Olympic Games. (The Chinese government is claiming that it would be a non-political action; nevertheless, in 1936 Hitler started its first relay race of this very symbolic torch-light.) It will come to that city's center on Wednesday.

This morning, I read in the "Los Angeles Times" news about the mass-demonstrations that happened in the north of California. I'm not happy about them. The accusers were arrested. At least seven people are behind bars now. For what reason?

The fault-finders broke the rules. The police said that they are law breakers. They attacked (the Irish verb denotes "plundering, causing wanton destruction, pillaging") by making trespass into the domain of the government. I know that this was truthful. However, I think that it'd be best for ourselves not for them to be caught and held in jail. They're very bold people. They believe in human rights for the people of Tibet.

It matters not to the great powers about the death of this Tibetan culture. The White House does not listen to any of them at all. The American leaders do not hear them. It's probably so. They only want Chinese money. Could Tibet itself be lost? It does not matter to the capitalist rulers indeed.

We must ourselves make a stronger effort not to buy Chinese goods. "This is the big picture/ the larger story." Make no mistake. Again, don't forget about that fine word from Irish history: "boycott."

Links/ Nascannaí: Boycott Made in China
Olympic Watch
Reporters Without Frontiers: Chinese Cyber-dissidents & journalists

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