Stád mé ar mo bhealach ina séipéail Naomh Proinsias a gúim thar ceann mo mhaithair breithe. Tá go dona faoi deireanach. D'imigh ag cur cuairt a teaghlach go mBaile Átha Cliath agus ar ais le déanaí.
Rinne sí a bhealach siar. Fhill sí ar an aerlínéar go gcathair Naomh Prionsias. Tá sí i gcónaí ansiúd.
Bhuel, rug sí tinn go fíochmhar ar feadh an eitilt go tapaidh. Chuaigh sí ag h-ospidéal go gearr. D'fhoghlaim mé leis an fear céile ach anois go raibh ag teacht ar ais a baile anocht.
Troid muid ar aghaidh an cumhacht nádúrtha. Níl cumhactachtaí go cinnte. Mar sin féin, caith a foghlaim a smacht muidsa féin ar chaoi ag fáschaint ár síocháin istigh.
Scríobhim an aiste bheag seo an trathnóna roimh an féile Naomh Proinsias. Amárach, mbeidh naomh féile pátrún agam. B'fheídir, an bhfuil sé ag breathnú os cionn ar beirt i gCalifoirnea?
With St. Francis in California?
I walked around the hills today. Regularly, I walk on the treadmill at home. However, I go out to other places now and then.
I stopped on my way in the church of St. Francis to pray on behalf of my birth-mother. She has been ill recently. She went off to visit her family to Dublin and back recently.
She made her way westwards. She returned on the airliner to the city of San Francisco. It's where she lives up there.
Well, she caught a fierce illness during the flight suddenly. She went to the hospital quickly. I learned from her husband only now that she was coming back to their home tonight.
We battle against the powers of nature. We are not magicians, surely. All the same, we must learn to tame ourselves by means of growing in our peace inside.
I am writing this little essay on the evening before the feast of St. Francis. Tomorrow, it will be my patron saint's day. Perhaps, is he watching over us both in California?
Léiriú leis léitheoireacht: "Naomh Proinsias agus mac tire Ghubbio: 'Cuireadh síocháin a dhéanamh,'" le Didacus R. Wilson T.O.R.// Illustration from reading: "St. Francis and the wolf of Gubbio: 'An Invitation to Peacemaking,'" by Didacus T. Wilson, T.O.R. Is maith liom an áit ar an ghréasán seo/ This website pleases me: "Na Prionsiaschaí/ The Franciscans".
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