Is maith liom ag siúl. Ach, ní mhaith liom ag dul anseo is ansin suas an téas. Mar sin, siúlaim istigh nó nuair ní mbíonn solas go leor os cionn.
Cé raibh mé ag feiceáil ar feadh mo shiúl? Bhuel, chónaic mé bonn chúig pingine agus fáiscín páipéar ar thalamh. Chuir mé dhá rudaí seo suas ansin i mo phoca.
Ar scor ar bith, ní chuir mé dhá rudaí eile ansúid. Ní raibh uaim ag cur beirt brístín dubh suas ann. Ní raibh dith ormsa féin coiscín athláimhe ach an oiread ann.
Thósaigh gréine ag dreap os cionn go mullach níos fáide. Smaoin mé faoi na éiléain ag imeacht amach ag trasna go rúidbhealach is tapaidh. Bím ag obair i ngár an aerfort Tra Fada.
Bhreatnaigh mé an éitléan ag imeacht aníos. Cheap mé faoi ag ullmhú mo thuras go luath. Iarraim ag imeacht go Éirinn an tseachtain seo chugainn ar feadh an seachtaine.
Walking around the edge
I went around the edge of the parking lot today. It was early in the morning. There was no sun rising yet.
It pleases me walking. But, it does not please me going here and there under the heat. Therefore, I walk inside or when there's not a lot of light above.
What was there for me to see during my walk? Well, I saw a five-penny coin and a paper clip on the ground. I got those two things up from there into my pocket.
However, I did not take up two other things over there. There was no wish for me to take a pair of black knickers up. There was no need for me for a second-hand condom either.
The sun started to climb above a mountain-ridge far off. I mused about the airplanes going across from out the runway most rapidly away. I'm working near the Long Beach airport.
I watched the airplanes go away from below. I thought about preparing for my journey. I seek to go off to Ireland next week for a week.
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