Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ag lorg ar stór as Gaeilge.

Plé Ó Muiri faoi na áthas domhain 'meitfisiciúil' ag foghlaim Gaeilge. Aointaim leis scribhneoir seo. Léighim a lhéirmheas is fada de leabhar "Radharc Nua Gaeilge" bealach Gaelport.com inné.

Insionn sé faoi ábhar níos deacair áfach. Admhaíonn sé féin: "Tá foghlaimeoiraí go leor Ghaeilge-- agus cuirim mise féin-- a ní déanann, anois agus aríst-- níorbh aon ionadh leo faoi go mbeadh greim go daingean ag úsaid ar an teanga acusan." Deir Ó Muiri agaibh go bhfuil sé an foghlameoir freisin!

Chuir mé mo h-alt ar blog seo faoi an léirmheas areir. Smaoiním futhú inniu. Ní féidir a shéanadh nach ag obair leis Gaeilge go rabthar furasta nuair thar lear.

Cén fáth? Bhuel, ní fheicim comharthaí éagsulaí ag timpeall mé nuair ag tiomaint. Ní chloisim clárannaí dífrúilaí ar an raidió gach lá. Ní fhaighim scannán dátheangach ar an teilifís gach oiche. Tá an fhírinne faoi seirbhis as Gaeilge go deireanach ar an idirlíon. Tá mé ábalta breith orthu beagán díobh ann.

Mar sin féin, tá sé dúshlán mór. Tá iontas liom faoi mo luach saothair. B'fhéidir, bheadh imoibriú inchasta. Tagaim i réim athuair clainne. Is máthair breithe agam Gaelgeoir nuair bhí sí óg i nGaillimhe. Bhí sí imithe as a cuimhne nuair ag imirce a dhéanamh siad go dtí Beal Feirste.

D'fhoglaim mé i ndiadh ag foghlaim Gaeilge ar feadh fadó faoi mo clann atá go raibh grá ar an teanga beo acusan. Tá gaoltaí gairid agam leis gníonhréimeannái leis an bpolaitiocht nó méanáin acusan. Thosaigh siadsan féin as Gaeilge! Tuigim an cumhacht leis líne ghinealaigh go athaimsiú seo agamsa féin.

Searching for treasure in Irish.

Pól Ó Muiri discusses about the "metaphysical" joys of learning Irish. I agree with this writer. I read his very long review of a book, "A New View of the Irish Language," by way of Gaelport.com yesterday.

He also tells of material more difficult, however. He himself admits: "There are few learners of Irish - and I include myself - who do not, every once and while, wonder just how firm a grip they have on the language they use." Ó Muiri tells us that he is a learner also!

I put up my entry on this blog about the review last night. I've been thinking today about it all. It's difficult not to deny that working with Irish for somebody when abroad is easy.

Why? Well, I cannot see various signs around me when driving. I don't hear different programs on the radio every day. I do not find bilingual films on the television each night. It's the truth about service in Irish lately on the Internet. I'm able to catch a few of them there.

All the same, it's a big challenge. I wonder about my reward. Perhaps, it may be a reversible reaction. I revive a family custom. My birth-mother was a Gaelic-speaker when she was young in Galway. She forgot it when they moved to Belfast.

I learned after learning Irish for a long time about my family who had a love for the living language themselves. I have near relatives who had their careers in politics or media. They started themselves in Irish! I understand the power of this rediscovered family line.

Griangraf/Photo: "The Adult Learner" novel in Irish by Alan Desmond, for the same [audience]!/ "An Foghlaimeoir Fásta" úrscéal as Gaeilge le Alan Desmond acusan féin!

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