Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ag blogadh níos lag?

Léigh mé ar an Amanna Nhua-Eabhrac Dé Domhnaigh seo caite mar gheall ar "ag blogadh go lag." Tá sé anseo: 'Deifir, ag caite drochmheas air: ar blogadh chomh malltriallach le seilide'. Scríobh Sharon Otterman ar an 23ú de Shamhain 2008 faoi maidir ag titim ar an bpoist bhlogannaí i mbliana ar an idirlion.

D'imigh scríobhneoiraí teagmhasachaí ar "Giolcaire" nó "Leabhar ar Ghnúis" a insint mionscéalta pearsanta agus ur-lascannaí ar dhuine eile faoi seo. D'fhág diliteant ansuid. Fanann dícheallach ann.

Aontaím leis Otterman agus duine eile futhú. Go cinnte, tógaim mo h-altannaí as Gaeilge leis ag teacht an tseilide agamsa féin. Scríobhaim as Béarla, mar sin féin, go haireach go hionduil.

Go minic, athcheartaím. Fhill mé ar ais ar piosa seo aríst! Is iontach liom má go ndeántar ag blogadh leis aire do mhionphointí céann de gnáth.

Tuigim go bhfuil mo chairde ar an ghreasan ag déanamh seo, mar shampla 'AM', 'Bo', 'Tí Uí Mhurchú', 'Crios', 'Cadhóit', 'Inion ua T', or "Ecopunk"-- i measc eile. Is maith linn ar ndóigh a scríobh go tapaidh ina gnáthshaol agam. Ach, tá fiúntas ann "a déanamh deifir go lag', chomh leis an seanfhochal Láidin: 'festina lente'.

Slower Blogging?

I read in the New York Times last Sunday concerning "slow blogging." Here it is: "Haste, Scorned: Blogging at a Snail's Pace." Sharon Otterman wrote on November 23, 2008, about the issue of a falling off in blog posts this year on the Internet.

Casual posters [=scribblers] went away to tell other people about social gossip and fresh links via "Twitter" or "Facebook" by now. The dilletante left. The diligent stay.

I agree with Otterman and other people about these (matters). Indeed, I construct my blogs in Irish at the march of the snail myself. I write in English, all the same, carefully and customarily.

Often, I revise. I returned back to this piece again! I wonder if someone blogging habitually does so with the same attention to details.

I understand that my friends on the web, for example "AM," "Bo," "Casa Murphy," "Chris," "Coyote," "Miss T" nó "Ecopunk"-- among others-- do this. I like to write quickly in everyday life, of course. But, it's of value to "make haste slowly," as with the Latin proverb: "festina lente."

Iómhá/Image: Tá alt faoi naircisíocht ar an blogannaí. Tá ábhar ábhal go deimhin. Bheimis an choir a admháil is huile. Here's an article about narcissism on the blogs. It is certainly a vast topic. We all should plead most guilty! 'Tá sé ag breathnaigh orm, a lheanbh!'/"Here's Looking at Me, Kid!" le/by Jan Hoffman. Ealaíontóir/Artist: Raghnall Bairéid/Ron Barrett. NYT: 20 Iúil/July 2008.

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