Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Do stádar a thabhairt

Siúlaim mé suas agus síos isteach loc caranna folamh is beag nach bhfuil ar feadh sos ó obair siar sa tráthnóna. Tá sé in aice leis scoile agam. Téim ansuid nuair go bhfuil díth ormsa ag bainte de an áit.

Fásaionn an aimsir seo níos te faoi deireanach, ar ndóigh. Tá fad ag teacht sa lá. Iarraim ag siúl, ach níl ábalta ag dul ar aghaidh na gréine tamall níos fada. Tá sé níos fuar istigh an tógáil caranna sin! Bain sult as gaoth go suaimhneach ormsa ag éirí suas na cúig h-ardáin go mall.

Caithim culaith eadaigh a mhúineadh. Dá bhrí sin, caithim bróga gléasta go foirmiúil fós. Bogaim níos lag ansin!

Rachaidh mé taobh amuigh sula le luí na gréine ag imeall am suipéir. Is maith liom ag éisteacht na scairdáin leis uisce ag scaird scairdeán. Cloisim na heín. Feicim an bóthar mór.

D'imigh mé an áit pháirceála caranna inné. Mhuin mé. Thosaigh stádar eile ina dhiadh aréir go sos eile go gearr.

Fuair mé an radharc ag trasna an scoile nuair go raibh siúl ag dul síos. D'oscail oifig eastát réadach ach an seachtaine seo caite ann. Bhídís lipéid greamaithe seamróg ar na ballaí istigh agus na fuinneoigái amuigh orm.

Insíonn comhartha framúithe gruanna cruinnscéithe mhór le díol is mo. Bhain sé amach síos ar an úrlar salach leis ramhais go leor. Léigh mé triu an doras an póstaer taistil uaine ag féicthe os cionn ar an taobh clé, suas go fóill faoi i ndíol ar roinn díolaíochta: "Éireann: Cumann Ceannaire ADP 2009."

"Walking one's rounds."

I have been walking up and down inside a nearly empty car park during my break from work in the late afternoon. It's near my school. I go over there when there's a need for me to take off from the place.

This weather's growing warmer recently, of course. The days are getting longer. I wish to walk, but I am not able to go out under the sun for very long. It is cooler inside the parking structure. I enjoy the breeze gently on me as I rise up the five floors gradually.

I (must) wear dress clothes to teach. Therefore, I (must) wear formal shoes also. I slow down more then!

I will go outside before sunset around supper time. I like listening to the fountains with water squirting gushes. I hear the birds. I see the freeway.

I went out of the parking lot yesterday. I taught. I started another short walk later last night at another brief break.

I found a sight across from the school when I was passing along down there. A real estate office was open there only last week. Shamrock stickers used to be seen by me on the walls inside and the windows outside.

An ugly framed sign tells of a big target for most sales. It's been taken down on the dirty floor with trash galore. I read through the door the green travel poster seen above at left, still up about rewarding the sales department: "Ireland: President's Club ADP 2009."

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