Chonaic mé cóip an tseachtaine deireadh. Chuir cuairt muidsa leis ár cairde, Bob agus Críos, ag imeall an cathair Naomh Crios i gCalifoirnea Thuas. Tá dha úinéir dó freisin.
Is maith liom an diosca sin réasúnta mór é, ach níl go mór é. Tá cuid mhaith ann amhráin níos lag air. Is cosúlacht "Buffalo Springfield" orm é.
Smaoinigh mé faoi an frása cheirnín an lá eile. Tá mé ag dul spaisteioreacht nuair ag tógtha ar cíos muid an bothóg do cábán againn i gcóngarach ár cairde. Shúigh mé in aice Srutháin Pónaire i ngar Sliabh Hermon.
Bhí aithne liomsa é an teideal albaim seo ansin. Níl fhios agam cén fáth, mar sin féin. Bhí mé i mo shuí ar an mias garbh slíne ann.
Chuala mé an fuaim snámhach gan strus. Bhí mé do shuaimhneas a ghlacadh mise féin. Níl a shárú faoi rás na gréine bhreac nó na crannaí ruadh.
Once We Were Trees
There was a local music band, Beachwood Sparks. I have the second album from them. It's named "Once We Were Trees."
I saw a copy the end of last week. We paid a visit to our friends, Bob and Chris, on the outskirts of Santa Cruz in Northern California. They are two owners of it too.
I like that record reasonably well, but not a lot. There's a share of very slow songs on it. It resembles "Buffalo Springfield" for me.
I thought about that record's phrase the other day. I went for a walk when we rented our cabin near our friends. I sat next to Bean Creek around Mount Hermon.
I remembered myself the title of this album there. I don't know the reason, however. I was sitting on a rough slab of slate.
I heard the flowing sound without stress. I was calling down peace on myself. There's no match for this under the dappled sun or the redwoods.
Grianghraf stairiúil Sruthán Pónaire ar bealach ó An Leabharlann Naomh Crios/ Historical Photo of Bean Creek via the Santa Cruz Library
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