Ar ndóigh, níl críos glas ag imeall anseo. Mar sin, d'éirigh mé amuigh faoin spéir. D'fhág mé an baile go an Leabharlann agus Dánlann Huntington.
Tá sí ina bruachbhaile cuanna na Naomh Máirtín ann. Níl pairc níos i gcéin ann. Ach, gheobhaidh tú áit síorghlas agus lámh-mhaisiúthe ansin.
Is maith liom ag cur cuairt na fearann seo. Nuair bhí mé óg, chuaigh mé go ceapachaí, machaire, agus gairdíní bláthannaí ann. Go minic, shiúlainn ar gach taobh an gairdín i poiblí.
Feicfidh tú gairdíní eagsulaí ansiúd. Mar shampla, rachfá go gairdín Seapanach nó Sineach. B'fhéidir, tiocfaidh tú go gairdín fásúil; tá sé is tirim.
Ná baineadh dearmad ar bith díot faoi Leabharlann. Foghlaimeoidh tú faoi an stáir litearta go h-iomhlán as Béarla. Críoch tú leis a radharc ina gaileraí ealáine. Líonann í leis saothair ealáine ar fud an domhan mhóir. Ólfaidh tae Sineach nó Sasanach a dúnadh an lá bréa.
Walking on a landed estate.
I practice, doing walking regularly. I (habitually) go on the treadmill. All the same, I had a desire the other day to go out into the countryside.
Of course, there's no greenbelt to take off to here. Therefore, I got up under the sky. I left home to the Huntington Library and Art Gallery.
It's in the elegant suburb of San Marino. There's no park very far away there. But, you'll find a place evergreen and manicured there.
It's pleasing to me to pay a visit to this landed estate. When I was young, I went to the flowerbeds, wide-open field, and flower gardens there. Often, I used to walk all around the public garden.
You will find various gardens beyond there. For instance, you should go to the Japanese or Chinese garden. Perhaps, you will come to the desert garden; it is very dry.
Don't you forget about the library. You will learn about the literary history of the whole in English. You must finish by viewing the art gallery. It is filled with works of art from all over the great world. You should drink Chinese or Japanese tea to close your lovely day. (Grianghraf/Photo: The Huntington)
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