Thursday, February 4, 2010

"Gealach": Léirmheas Scannáin

Tá plota scéil go díreach ann. Mheas go raibh scéal go dílís. Bhí sé neamh-ghairéad i gcóiriú.

Ní mbeidh mé a nochtadh fadhbannaí ann. Inseoidh mé agaibh beagán. Ar ndóigh, is an insint í leis an ionad ar an Gealach.

Is spásaire Sam Bell é. Téann sé go An Gaelach ag obair le "Tionscail Ghealaí." Caith Sam ag fanacht ag feadh trí bliana suas ansin.

Foghlaimíonn sé faoi rún ansiúd. Níl dúil leis an a lucht fostaithe mórchuid sabhair le oibrithe saor a glacadh le fírinne chuige Sam. Fuaireann sé amach, nuair a bhfuil sé ródheanach, go contúirt ag imeall go leor air.

Bhí chuimhne liomsa faoi "2001" agus "Solaris" nuair a breathnaigh an scannán seo. Mar sin féin, is maith liom é. B'fhéidir, mbeidh tú ag feicéail sé go luath.

"Moon": Film Review.

The story's plot's straightforward. I thought it was a sincere story. It was simplicity in its arrangement.

I will not reveal complications there. I will tell you all a little. Naturally, the narrative's with a location on the Moon.

Sam Bell's an astronaut. He goes to the Moon working for "Lunar Industries." Sam must stay for a period of three years up there.

He learns about a secret over there. There's no desire for his wealthy employers running big labor for cheap workers to admit the truth to Sam. Sam finds out, when it is too late, that there is danger all around him.

It reminded me often of "2001" and "Solaris" when watching this film. Nevertheless, I liked it. Perhaps, you will see it soon.

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