Tá sé ro-dhéacair ag muintir trí riantaí bhun-Bhéarla ar bun láitreach ceithre h-uaire, faoi dhó sa tseachtaine ar oíche. Ar ndóigh, tá mhic leinn i dteannta ar dtosach. Níl siad ábalta léamh go leor; níl siad scríobh go leor fós.
Thosaigh me ag cruinniú na leabhair agus ábhair Dé Luain seo caite ar feadh cúig h-uaire. Rinne mé ceartuithe go leor leis ábhair cleachtaí mícheartaí ag tughtha orm ag an scoil. Lheas mé úr-ranntaí go leor freisin mise féin.
Fuair mé Dé Máirt seo caite ní raibh ag glactha an ceartuithe sin ag maor comhairthe. Chaith ag muintir leis ábhair staidéir mícheartaí sin tar éis. I ndiadh gach ní, dheisigh mé na trí rangannaíar ar feadh cúig h-uaire níos mo go luath an lá sin.
Dhúisigh mé gach oíche ar feadh an seachtaine seo leis imní. Bím imní orm faoi oibre. Chuaigh mé ag ollscoil inné ag obair aríst. Thóg mé ábhair nua agus sean leis cúig h-uaire go díreach.
Muintim dhá cúrsa eile fósta. Tiomáiním ag oibre cúig míle agus caoga anonn agus anall go colaiste ceithre laethanta leis amannaí fadaí lá agus oíche anois. Mar sin, ní bhíonn mé ábalta ag cur chomh poist go leor go minic idir in dá linn anseo.
Idir an dá am, chonaic an fiaclóir. Déanaím machnamh síocháin neamhbhuan i gcathair ag cur ina sheasamh aige. Dhóigh spéir ar feadh coicís é ag imeall im bPasadena. Tá fadhbannaí agam go bhfuil bídeach leoga.
In a difficult term.
I'm too busy working lately. I must be suddenly teaching three levels of remedial classes together in one room at one time. "This duty raises up weariness in me."
It's very difficult to start teaching three tracks of beginning English at once, four hours twice weekly at night. Of course, these are students in difficulty at the start. They are not able to read well; they are not able to write well also.
I began gathering books and materials last Monday during five hours. I made many corrections to incorrect exercise materials given to me by the school. I amended many original sections myself also.
I found last Tuesday that these changes were not accepted by a computer supervisor. I must be teaching with incorrect curriculum materials after all. Despite everything, I had repaired the three classes during five more hours earlier that day.
I have awakened every night during this week with anxiety. There's (habitually) worry for me concerning work. I went to university yesterday working again. I built new materials and old another five hours straight.
I drive to work five-and-fifty miles to and from college four days weekly for long times night and day now. I teach two other classes too. I will not be (usually) able to put up as many posts often in the meantime here.
Meanwhile, I see the dentist. I contemplate fleeting peace in his upended chair. The sky burns a fortnight around his office in Pasadena. My big problems are small indeed.
Faigh an roinnt seo nuair ag lorg an íomhá leis "tuirseach" agus "tíne" ag cur leis an aiste seo: Dúirt Irimia faoi Bablóine fógairt atá ag cur leis an ábhar seo ina tithe mór agus sléibhte tirim is cionn gCathair na hÁingeal inniu: "Is mar seo a deir Tiarna na Slua: 'Leagfar go talamh ballaí leathana na Bablóine, agus loiscfear le tíne a geataí arda. Is saothar in aisce mar sin saothar na gciníocha is an tíne is déireadh do thiaráil na náisiún'." / I found this section when looking for an image with "weariness" and "fire" to put up on this entry: Jeremiah said to Babylon a message which is applicable to the topic in great mansions and dry mountains way above Los Angeles today: "Thus saith the Lord of Hosts: The broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly broken, and her high gates shall be burned with fire; and the people shall labour in vain, and the folk in the fire, and they shall be weary." (KJV; Jeremiah 51:58).
Ghriangraf le/ Photo by: Wally Skalij / Los Angeles Times / August 31, 2009. "La Crescenta." Ceanntideal/ caption: "Roger Daniels, a La Crescenta resident since 1964, watches a backfire from the edge of his roof."
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