Monday, June 8, 2009

Foighne a dhéanamh

Feicim crobhaing bláthanna ar deic uachtar lé déanaí. Tá mé ag suí ina gcathair suaimhneas thuas an staighre. Éistim go ciuin anois agus ansin ag timpeall agamsa.

Déanann crobhaing bláthanna de bougainvillea. Níl ábalta ag scríobh seo focal as Gaeilge, mar bhfuil na bláthanna teochrios. Ach, tá siad go hiontach anseo!

Tá bláfar ag pléascadh leis corcairdhearg ag imeall ar deic. Fásann i lár na bláfar leis pistil bhán fós. Ceanglaíonn siad a tabhairt radharc lonrach.

Éitlaíonn dordéin go minic. Cuireann siad cuairt na lár na bláfar. Faigheann dordéin neachtar istigh na bláfar. Ar scor ar bith, ní fheiceann mé an mílseacht.

Tá an taisce a chur i bhfolach dom máguaird. Is cosuil é ormsa féin sa domhan nádúr. Iarraim ag oscailt ríocht rúin.

Foghlaim ní bhfuil ag foghlaim ach níos lu faoi domhan ar gach taobh an garraí inniu. Ní insíonn crannái piobar agus leamhán agus siacarandaí. Léim i mo fhoclóir: "lúi leis an áthas agat; do chroí a chur in aít chonáithe; do shuaimneas a cheapadh." Tá trí ciallaí leis brí amháin. (Aistrim as Béarla de réir sin.)

"To keep one's patience."

I see a bouquet of flowers on the upper deck lately. I'm sitting in a soft chair upstairs. I listen quietly now and then all around me.

The bouquet's made of bougainvillea flowers. I'm not able to write this word in Irish, since the flowers are tropical. But, they're wonderful now!

The blossom bursts with purple surrounding the deck. In the center of the blossom grows a white pistil too. They join to bring a brilliant sight.

There's a treasure that's put into hiding all about from me. For me it's like the world of nature. I seek to open a secret realm.

I learn that I have not learned but very little about the domain on every side of the garden today. The pepper and elm and jacaranda trees don't tell. I read in my dictionary: "to let go into joy/gladness for you; in your heart to put a place always; in softness to contemplate." (I've translated into Irish accordingly s.v. "to possess one's soul in patience.")

P.S. Ní bhfuair mé ghriangraf leis dordéan agus bougainvillea le chéile, ach tá sé fótograf go deas le Peter Desposito anseo leis dordéan agus bláth eile! I didn't find a photo with a hummingbird and bougainvillea together, but here's a nice photo by Peter Desposito with a hummingbird and another flower!

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