Friday, February 22, 2008

An bosca bhréagaín/ The Toy-Box

D'oscail mé bosca bheag inné. Bhí sé go raibh ag líonta le sean-rudaí éagsúla ann. Nuair d'imigh go Oregon arú anuraidh, chruinnigh Leon agus Léna páipéir difriúil agus beágan bréagáin. Chuir siad seo ar an bosca stánaithe liom.

Ní bhain dó claibín go minic. Ach, fuair mé as an clar ar an lá eile. Chonaic mé ar an taobh istigh. Thosaigh mé ag dul timpeall. Bhí sé litreacha agus gréibhlí go beag ansin.

Thóg dhá carrana rása as an bosca. Bhí siad uathu an monarcha 'Bosca Cipiní' nuair a déanta siad in Sasana! Ceapaim go mbeadh daichead mblianta acu. Rug mé triú carr bán leis doras go raibh siad ábalta gluistean go suaimhneach air. Bhí sé is mór go mór chomh dhá na caranna éile. Ní chaill mé turcáilín bídeach.

Chríochnaigh mé an saighduir amháin na h-airm maide. Bhí sé ag teascadh. Bhí sé gunna a dhíriú, mar sin é.Imríonn siad ar aghaidh leabhair go leor agam in aice leis mé anois aríst. Fáilte romhaibh, a bhréagain agam uaibh na t-amanna go maith nuair bhí mé óg. Is maith liom siad anseo.

I opened a little box yesterday. It was filled with various old things. When I went off to Oregon the year before last, Leo and Layne gathered different papers and a few toys of mine. They put them in the tin box for me.

I didn't open the lid often. But, I got the lid off the other day. I looked inside. I started going around. A few letters and knicknacks were there.

I took two race cars out of the box. They were from the "Matchbox" company when they were made in England! I think they're forty years old. I carried out gently a third white car with doors that were able to be easily moved. It was much larger than the other two cars. I had not lost a tiny little turkey.

I finished with a toy soldier, the only one from an army. He was amputated. He still aimed his rifle, however. They play together in front of my many books, near me now again. Welcome, my toys from the good times when I was young. I like them here.

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